A study that meets your goals while balancing priorities
Designing a clinical study is a multifaceted process with many factors to consider, including study objectives, population of interest, and health outcome(s). The type of study design will vary greatly depending on the health indication and endpoint(s) of interest, product type, budget, timelines requirements, and other factors.
Though the randomized controlled trial (RCT) is considered the gold standard in clinical research, other study designs including observational studies (e.g., prospective cohort, case report) can yield useful data.

At SNI, we will help you design a trial that meets your project goals and market entry objectives.
Considerations for optimal study design can include:
- Type of design (Randomized controlled study, Cohort study, Case study/Case-control study, Observational study)
- Assessing the need for placebo
- Method of randomization and allocation concealment
- Blinding
- Study population
- Level of control and monitoring of compliance
- Length of the study
- Type of data analysis
- Data Management Plan
- Number of investigation sites to be involved.