Make your mark on the future of medicine with microbiome research
When it comes to unlocking the full potential of the human microbiome, we are just scratching the surface. From the gut to oral, skin, and vaginal microbiota, the human body houses trillions of microorganisms (and their genetic material) that impact health and disease incidence.
The more we can discover about microbial diversity and quality, the better we can create targeted therapies that guard against disease.

Through clinical research, we can help confirm early findings from pre-clinical or animal studies to support your product development.
We have experience in key product types applicable in the study of the microbiome, including probiotics and prebiotics, novel dietary fibres, foods, botanicals, vitamins and minerals, and more.
Our clinical trials team will help you design your study, identify the right endpoints, and conduct the studies with high scientific quality and high compliance to clinical trial regulations and guidelines, including ICH-GCP guidelines. You will benefit from our access to the study population in the Winnipeg and surrounding area with gastrointestinal disorders.